Thursday, March 24, 2011

Children love these...

I tend to do baking at night, after baths and when children are having their wind down time before bed as they are busy reading, or drawing. I often choose 2 children to be "special" helpers each time. Tonight Lidiyah and Elijah were so happy to sit up on the stools and help me measure, pour and mix. I think they're favorite part though is when I let them lick the batter off the mixers! -what child doesn't love that!

The recipe we chose tonight was called Apple Cinnamon Muffins. They are chock-full of apples and spices and topped with a sweet streusel type topping...and they smell so delicious as they are baking!

The children are enjoying these muffins for a snack before bed and I will be putting them in their lunches for school in the morning.  I usually triple the recipe so that we always have leftover baking for quick snacks and to fill hungry bellies between meals, and with children I find healthy snacks are the best. It is much more economical to buy cooking/baking items in bulk and to make large batches at a time. Plus, alot of baking can be frozen too!

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