Saturday, April 9, 2011

Made it!

So today officially marks my 37th Week!!!
I am doing a happy dance because with each pregnancy you never know if you will hit each milestone..Life is so precious and anything can happen.

My midwife called me yesterday to tell me who was on call this weekend "should" I go into labor. That surprised me yet was so profound...especially when she told me that "on Sunday night at midnight we will consider you full term and in the clear to go into labor anytime...and safely have your homebirth".
After she told me that I was full of adrenaline, and excitement. Baby is really coming...and soon.
She also made me promise to call her the minute I think anything is up because based on my charts with each child it keeps getting faster and last birth, the midwives barely had time to set up before baby Hannah was born!

Today dear hubby and I are going to finish up our Homebirth List from the midwives, and get last minute things. I am still trying to decide what type of music I want to labor along to and am hoping to get some nice candles today too.
I am so thankful to be full-term and I am also trying to savor each moment of this pregnancy. I am very aware of SweetPea's sleep wake cycles and cannot believe how big he/she has grown. My skin feels so itchy and quite stretched. My midwife checked me early last week and my uterus was measuring 35 weeks, and then 8 days later she measured again at our home visit and it was measuring 37 weeks!-thats a 2 cm growth ...this little one is really packing on the pounds I guess!

I have been drinking pots of red raspberry leaf tea to strengthen and tone my uterus and have just recently started the old evening primrose oil trick. I have researched and chatted with many pregnant friends and have heard great things about it can't hurt!

I have still quite the list of things I want to do and I am trying to stretch them out, in case I end up going past my estimated due date (which has happened before!) I always find the last month the most emotional and trying month. So much anticipation, excitement yet at the same time some frustration especially if time is dragging on, not to mention being uncomfortable at night trying to sleep because of a heavy belly, and getting up to use the bathroom every hour! It's nature's way of prepping your body ahead so that when you have a newborn who needs to be changed and fed at all hours of the night it's not such a shock! lol...

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