Sunday, July 24, 2011

3 months old! are three months old now!
We can hardly believe it...

You weigh around 11 pounds and have gotten longer too
You are wearing a few newborn sized onesies and mostly 3-6 month clothing
We love putting you in cloth diaper prefolds/covers and you have almost outgrown the prefolds, you are moving onto Small sized Fuzzi Bunz now...
(did I mention how Sweet you look in them?!)

You are eating every 3 hours, almost on the dot! you start to smack your lips and stick your tongue out to show us you're hungry and you love to nurse.

I am so impressed with you because of how well you sleep. You are on a great schedule and you thrive on it. I bathe you every night with lullabies, baby massage with softly scented cream, and then swaddle you tight. If we dont swaddle you , we can count on you waking every 1/2 hour so Mommy and Daddy have learned the trick and make sure we have lots of blankets around. ha!
You are in your crib at 9pm latest and are asleep till 4 a.m...which is amazing!
The minute you stir, I hear you and jump up to rock you and "dream-feed" you and then voila!~ back to sleep you go, until 8 a.m

When you wake up you greet us with the biggest grins! It melts my heart everytime and you especially love to watch your siblings and have such big smiles for them.

Little Zionnah you are such a blessing to us! We thinks its so cute how you are simply fascinated with your hands, since  you have just discovered them...we watch you as a hand in your face keeps you occupied for 10 minutes or so!

Everyone comments how much dark hair you have and how curly it is, (especially after a bath) I can't wait to see if your curls stay as you get older and grow

You are getting so bored of your babyswing and mommy is thinking of getting rid of it. We are just starting to have scheduled "tummy-time" for you and you get frustrated quickly on your belly.
Your favorite thing right now is being carried by Daddy in the MobyWrap, it calms you and I think you like being able to watch everyone .

You are such a social baby so far and so content!
We enjoy watching you grow and develop more of your muscles.
We thank God for your life and so thankful He has entrusted us to be your parents.
Happy 3 Months Baby "Zionnah Hope"!

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