Friday, March 23, 2012

nose in a book!

As a busy mother, its sometimes tricky to find time for one of my favorite pastimes: READING! the only thing I usually have time to read is a quick article here and there in my "ABOVE RUBIES" collection or sometimes a devotional a couple of times a week. This year I have the goal or reading more than that and this takes scheduling and commitment. Other than reading my Bible I have been able to actually "dig in" to a good book! Its quite amazing! My latest one happens to be very popular lately and what inspired me to pick it up was a You Tube Video!

I really enjoyed the video and that night dear hubby and I were shopping and he was sweet to buy me a hard copy of this particular book!

I am on the second chapter and so far i have had to put it down due to my eyes getting all blurry from the tears. IT is a FANTASTIC read and I recommend it has already my perspective on life is changing!!

Please dear wife, or mother if you get a chance to read it ...Do it! You will be forever changed....

In Him,


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