Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Simple Fun

Hello there!
Today I dont' have too much planned which is a welcome relief...lately it seems i've had so many errands to run.  I have been puttering around the house here tidying up from the morning rush (getting children on the bus) and  catching up on housework.  The littlest ones were getting a bit whiny and bored, but unfortunatly I couldnt take them outside to play in the backyard just yet. That is when i took out the Crafts Bin.
I recommend EVERY mother have a craft box, bin, shelf, basket..whatever...! IT is a must with little ones.
Today we pulled out the construction paper, glue, beads and glitter.  The children spent some meaningful time together at the table, chatting away and creating. I had a chance to finish up on the dishes, throw a load of cloth diapers in the wash, and nurse the baby.


Lidiyah wanted to make some necklaces for her big sister Moriyah but unfortunatly , we didn't have any more elastic string. Looks like I  need to replenish our craft stash again! (felt, pipecleaners, pompoms, glitter glue, stickers, tissue paper, rubber stamps, paint..etc...)  I really like Dollarama for Craft supplies. When we go to "Micheals" there are usually some fantastic deals on lots of great things that children would find delightful to work with. 

I am always on the lookout for great Kids Craft ideas, so I would welcome any other simple ideas. I often browse through Martha Stewart's website especially around holidays because there are always cute ideas there too.

Well I'm off to switch the laundry and then there's lunch, and dinner prep. Talk to you all later!

1 comment:

  1. What about making Macaroni Can pencil holders/vases? That would be a fun Idea I think. I love craft time with corbyn, Lately its been coloring lol
