Sunday, April 29, 2012

Our "butterfly"

My dearest Zionnah Hope: the house is quiet and I am downstairs relaxing and having quiet time. I keep watching the clock and the closer midnight comes, the closer the day comes that marks your first year out of my womb and into our arms.
Today we celebrated your birthday early with family and many friends who have journeyed with us in getting to know you, love you and pray for you, for you hold a special place in the hearts of many. As I reflect on my pregnancy with you and the scare of losing you at 10 weeks along my heart is filled with gratitude of the miracle of YOU! Your labor and delivery was somewhat different in that we were planning our usual Homebirth but due to medical reasons, needed to be at the hospital ( the new one at that! It was rather quiet,lovely and family oriented!) You were such a peaceful soul and a sweet spirit. We connected at a deep level and my mother instincts kicked in quickly as you were a tad different and something was not quite right. You taught me in a new fresh way to trust my mothering instincts and persist and plead on your behalf!
That was the start of a bumpy and emotional road as we learned of your diagnosis and we've attended MANY different doctors, pediatricians ER visits and cardiologists this past year alone.
Despite all this, you remain a sweet joyful little babe who rarely cries and who has a contagious smile that lights up any room.
You bring so much joy and love to our Family and we thank God everyday for your Life! You are a treasure and we enjoy watching you grow. It is to be expected that because of your medical condition you are smaller than most your age, and you are taking your time at each new developmental milestone. We know from experience to not "push it" and to be content with your pace of mastering. You make us so PRoud !! Each milestone is that much more exciting because it means you WORKED so hard at it, persisted, got frustrated, needed comfort and nurturing and went right back at it again! Never have I seen a room of people get so ecstatic over your first time rolling over!!! (With your Physiotherapists and Pediatrician) Your first time sitting up without falling was so huge! You delight in making us proud and you have a strong spirit despite any physical setbacks you challenge against.
You are sooo LOVED little one. Your siblings adore you and you adore them likewise. As parents observing it is so refreshing to watch your relationships grow and how each of your siblings have a special connection with you. The girls play with you like your a dolly and dress you up and put lots of bows and hats on you. The boys love to give you "apple tree" rides and play pat a cake. Even your toddler sister enjoys making you laugh and is constantly running to the fridge to find you a suitable snack.
Your Mommy and Daddy simply cherish every moment with you. Your special nose kisses are so genuine. The way you call us across the room till we come and pick you up is something i can never forget. You lift your little tiny arms up in the air and simply screech "MUM MUM MUM MUM" or "DaDada" and that is simply sweet. No matter what im doing you want me to be holding you. LEts just say I "Wear" you alot in the Moby wrap or the carrier, and with that you are content.
Today at your 1st Birthday celebration it was evident its not just our hearts you have captured, but there are many dear friends who just love you to peices Zionnah.
We chose `The Very Hungry Caterpillar` as the theme of your party. You LOVE that story. Mommy and Daddy have read it you over and over again daily. We also chose that theme as it represents you in some ways. Like the caterpillar who eats and eats and is still hungry, you are like that!This caterpillar eats so much , gets fat, builds a cacoon and turns into this gorgeous majestic Butterfy!
With all the complications and issues with your precious body, we are proclaiming that over your very life! The caterpillar isnt much in size at the beginning , but gains strength and waits in his cacoon and emerges as a transformed `Free `being!! You may be tiny sweet one, but once your little body is fixed you will be come out free and you will soar! You are our Butterfly in the Making!! We are so honoured God chose us to be your parents and we are so honoured to call you our child.
In the wee hours as I rock and nurse you in the night, my heart overflows and I sometimes weep at the thought of all the potential wrapped up in one precious little girl...YOU! Dear Zionnah Hope: God has BIG plans for you! You were destined for great things! You will overcome and be an overcomer for what you have had to go through in your young age. You have a sweet spirit that blesses many and you will continue to touch lives just by being alive! You have a zest for life and that is truly inspiring. Your smile beams and can soften any cold heart. You are a treasure. You were hand picked by God to be here! We promise to raise you with an attitude of HOPE and not despair! We will be diligent to continue to teach you to never give up. You have taught us so much in one year that has dramatically changed our perspective on life and as being a parent. Our Precious ZIonnah Hope...WE LOVE YOU!! Happy 1st BIrthday Sweet one!

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