Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm Thankful

As Thanksgiving season is upon us I have pondered my blessings and have realized we have  so much to be thankful for. Each day I wake up and have breath I am truly thankful. Life can bring some down times and even in these times I have learned over the years to find joy amidst every trial. If I look hard enough, I find "bits of grace" woven throughout our journey and upon reflecting this I realize I may not know the bigger picture but I am confident in the One who does.

 Sometimes I fail to notice the simple things in my day that all add up to sweet moments with my friends or family. I want to include these simple blessings because they are all a part of my Life and make me smile when I remember them or take a moment to savor them.

I am THANKFUL for:

warm cozy nights reading to excited children snuggled on a big couch

hot stew in a crockpot with dumplings bubbling on top

braiding my little girl's long dark hair

getting on the floor to build train tracks with the boys

paintings and drawings handed to me to put up on the fridge

wet drooly kisses from a little toddler who wants to kiss me on the cheek

hearing about my beloved's day at work

long heart to heart conversations with my girlfriends at ladies night out

spa nights with my little girls with mud masks, cucumber slices, and manicures

wrestling with the boys, all 3 of them!

listening to oldies with my dad, just because thats what we always did

children that charge at Grampa when he walks in the door

yummy "turkey in the oven" aromas that fill the house and remind us of thanksgivings past...

soft lullabye music in the wee hours of the morning as I rock my toddler back to sleep

hard belly-laughs with the children as we remember funny things they've all said

quiet time before the house stirs

the lovely scent of freshly bathed children who insist on having baby lotion on their faces after bath

warm flannel sheets washed and adorned on our queen sized bed

crisp fall evenings for family walks to the nearby park

prayers said by children who love God

Blessings 1-20 that I am truly thankful for!  I am a blessed woman and I could think of so many more little snippets of wonderful things....but maybe for some other I think of them...
What are you thankful for ?!

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