Monday, October 18, 2010


Tonight we're having a traditional meal of Moose Stew and Bannock.
This will be only my second time ever making bannock and I'm using a totally different recipe too. Hoping it's edible.

Here is the recipe for Bannock I am using

4 cups flour
1/4 cup sugar
2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup lard
2 cups lukewarm water

Mix dry ingredients together, add lard and mix
Mix dough until it is hard enough to knead into a ball, careful not to handle too much
Let dough stand 10 minutes (which i totally forgot to do!) before rolling on cookie sheet
After its all rolled out on a cookie sheet until it is 1/2 inch thick, then poke holes with fork!
bake in 400 degree oven for 40 minutes

This is the finished bannock. In my opinion it did not rise well! guess I really need to let the dough sit awhile. The texture was fine nonetheless.
Now all to do is cut it into rectangles and dip it in our stew.

Bannock is so versatile too in that you can add so many different ingredients to your liking (berries, currants, raisins, cheese...etc..)

The Moose stew is very simple!

First cut and dredge your meat generously.

Meanwhile have your pot of broth, veggies (potatoes, carrots, turnip, lots of onions) and cooking on the stove till soft cooked.
Then I dropped the meat into a hot pan with oil and browned it over medium heat, not enough to cook the meat though.

After you are satisfied with how browned the meat is, take it off the heat and add to your pot of broth with vegetables. Continue to cook and stir for about 1/2 hour more and shut off heat after thickened.
That is basically how I make my moose meat stew..nothing fancy and no certain recipe. You get the idea though.

Hope you enjoyed a glimpse into our kitchen! The children simply enjoy this meal and always ask for second helpings.


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