Monday, May 24, 2010

Large Family thoughts

As each child was added to the family, we consistenly got raised eyebrows and interesting comments. At first we were taken back but everyone of you who currently live in a large family, are raising a large brood and/or aspire to have a Large family will know that this is the normal reaction and eventually you just get used to it!  I am soo used to answering the questions that I've made up my own "standard"  answers and they come out of my mouth naturally now! ha!...
I know as I've chatted with many seasoned mothers/families about this very topic that it is a daily thing to be expected and to just flow with it and as rude/intrusive the comments are to never take offence and to be sweet!

It is also a good idea to have a sitdown chat with your children, as many times after walking away from even some well-meaning people, the children were hurt and vocalized their feelings and questions as to why people would make them feel so belittled and like they were a mistake.  It helps if your children understand that some people honestly do not think before blurting out their questions about a husband and wife`s convictions and  beliefs (or on a side note: even their personal marital  life!)   The children now know to keep smiling and to forgive anyone who has unknowingly said something that was not so nice.

I must admit, it is sometimes hard to be sweet to these people and not ask THEM the same type of questions back . So many times I have felt like saying to the really rude folks.. "Well..why didn't YOU have more children? whats wrong with you?!, dont you know they are a BLESSING not a burden, why dont you and your husband consider having more?!|" just to see their reaction.  AND that would not be a very Sweet or Kind thing to think or Say!

I know that it is all a personal conviction thing and that I would not dare to walk up to a couple and question them such detailed questions about something that is in all honesty, none of my business...

In hanging out with many large families and really getting connected, we have learned that this is something that all Large families struggle with this to some degree and  knowing how to deal with this is key to maintaining a healthy, loving family who`s foundation is not shaken, but rather is built up. We know that living our lives before the One that matters is more important than pleasing those around us. At the end of the day, we need to keep pressing on what we know is right for our own individual marriages/family.  Just know that the next time you see our large family out and about and you look at us like we are a circus attraction, (yes, someone actually said that!) we will look at you no different and love you just the same. We take no offence and will answer your questions as tactfully and respectfully  as we can with honesty and we Love everybody no matter what their family size!


  1. Just want you to know that your family inspires a sense of awe in me. . . never any negativity or questioning of wisdom. God has entrusted these lives to you. . . there is a divine agenda over each one. In my opinion your children are evidence of the favor of God over you. Love you, friend! :)

  2. Well said Nikiyah - I agree with you completely, and I only have half the brood you have! Its amazing my friend and I were just chatting about this....I have strangers ask me if all "these" children are mine. And I have 3. Children are gifts, but not everybody sees it that way and I respect that too. Peace,

  3. I love this post! We get comments and we "only" have four blessings! My favourite is when people ask me if I know how "this happens"...umm..well yes, yes I do and I asked God for each and every one of them! And I also feel very blessed to be chosen to be their Momma! Kudos to you for taking the high road when you get undesirable comments.

  4. I love reading your blog and I also look up to you as a mother and wife. When my hubby's ex-wife wasn't a part of their 3 children's life for a period of time, they lived with us and our two children (their half-siblings). I was overwhelmed at times and yet, most days were fun and enjoyable.. Watching all of the children play together, eating together as a family.

    I completely fell in love with the older three because I was blessed to have spent even more time with them. Unfortunately, we don't see the older three often because they live in the US, but all five beautiful kids are mine, regardless of where they are living presently or who carried them.. And we've already discussed having 2 or 3 more in the future. :-) You're very inspiring, Nikiyah!
