Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Laundry Dilemna

As a homemaker, one of my favorite things I get to do around the Nest here is LAUNDRY!!  YES...I admit it, I actully LOVE doing laundry for my loved ones. I dont know what it is about it that makes me soo happy but it does.  There is just such a satisfying feeling when I take a mountain of dirty mixed up soiled clothes and when I am finished there is a nice fresh-smelling pile of folded clothes sitting in a pretty basket waiting to be put back away into drawers.

It is during these times that I am busy sorting and organizing the clothes that I tend to do alot of thinking and praying. I pray for each family member that the clothes belong to as I am sorting. I also enjoy the scent of  the laundry soap as I fill the washer. The sound of the washer and dryer somehow relaxes me and there is nothing better than the warm feeling of the articles as they come fresh out of the dryer. Then I usually get the "Littles" to help me with the folding. The children are so used to this routine, that it almost seems natural that when the laundry baskets get to the couch, they are there to help me. I cherish these times as we often chat and visit while our hands are busy neatly folding  away.

Lately I have not been able to enjoy this task of doing the family's laundry due to an older machine that is on its way out! I am usually very frugal so I  worked with it  regardless and got it fixed a couple of times. Well it got to the point that it almost completely stopped spinning and I actually had to "manually" spin it! ha! Well having an unreliable washer is no fun in a Large size family, and eventually the mountain of laundry got higher in a matter of a few days. I was able to get caught up but only after a friend so kindly offered her own laundry room for me to catch up.

 Soo...I am now hoping to get another washer and am looking into that. I am debating to get second-hand or to just buy brand new.  I am leaning towards something new because a reliable, durable washer is a MUST! I am so excited to get back into the groove of my laundry routines and after going through this only for the past week, I truly wonder how they managed before appliances were invented!


  1. I have a tub and washboard just like the ones you have pictured-and I am glad they are simply reminders of how my grand-parents used to wash clothes and not my reality!
    I can relate to your dilemma and my suggestion is to buy new-Sears has a payment plan that we used years ago, as a more economical option vs. taking laundry to the laundry mat-and the convenience of having a washer in your own home is definitely worth every penny!!

  2. Good for you for being so optimistic about something I find so dredful...uggh..laundry? Perhaps now that I am not working I won't find it such a chore as I will be able to do daily loads instead of craming it all in one weekend! Then when baby #4 arrives, I will definately have even MORE of the piled up stuff! lol I agree with your friend, go with sears..we did the same thing 5 years ago with that plan, and our machines still work so effeciently! Now that we live in moosonee though...I will not be hanging our clothes anymore as there is just way too much dust here! Anyway, I have just recently found your blog and browsed around...you have some pretty taste my friend and I have enjoyed browsing around :) Hope all is well! :)

  3. Thanks Rhonda!! actually..we have gone to Sears and are just deciding on which one!
    I value your sweet comments and thoughts. I've always admired you even from a young girl and I'm so blessed to have connected with you again!!

  4. Carrie-Anne!
    You so sweet. I used to cram all my laundry and saved it for weekends too..but now i just have certain days i do certain baskets ..maybe sometime I will post my schedules soon. It works, especially as more children join the family. I am soo excited for you guys by the way! you will LOVE having 4 little ones..it such a nice even number.
    THanks for browsing and commenting on my blog!
